Friday, March 27, 2015

Ear Infections - A Growing Plague

Ear Infections – A Growing Plague

                Working as a nurse in a pediatric clinic the most common problem I saw parents bring their children to the doctor for was ear infections.  It has become a plague in our modern culture.  Many children now undergo the procedure of tube placement due to the high number of ear infections or infections that resist antibiotics and reoccur. 

Although tubes are often helpful, prevention of ear infections is always a better solution.  Tubes can reduce the fluid behind the ear drum, but if the cause of the infection is not identified and treated there remains the risk of recurrent future infections.  Following are a few common causes of ear infections and some ideas to reduce the risks.


Children are more prone to ear infections for a few different reasons.  One cause is that the Eustachian tubes (which naturally drain fluid from the ears to the throat) in a child are smaller than in adults.  Not only are they smaller but also level rather than slanted downward.  This causes fluid to be more likely to pool creating a nice medium for bacteria to grow.   That is one of the reasons that children and babies are more prone to ear infections that adults.


Another cause is allergies/illness.  Because allergies cause congestion, fluid builds up, pools and becomes a nice place for bacteria to thrive.  Upper respiratory infections such as a head cold or a sore throat also can lead to ear infections as bacteria move from the throat and nasal passages, through the Eustachian tubes, and into the ears.

Some things to help avoid illness and allergies would include immune boosting and good hygiene habits.  Adequate hand washing is a huge jump start towards preventing illness.  Toddlers have a limited concept of hygiene, so good parental teaching is imperative.

Also, prevent/reduce as many allergens as possible.  Household plants may cause allergies and although they are nice to have, if they are causing babies and toddlers allergies, consider other options to beautify your home. 

Pets unfortunately are a big cause of allergies.  As much as possible, keep animal dander vacuumed up.  Ideally, it is best to not allow the pets to sleep in the same room as your child.  If it is necessary to have them together, consult a doctor for best allergy treatments if allergies are a problem.

Use air filters in your home when possible to reduce allergens in the air.  You can also wash your child’s bedding frequently to reduce dust mites that carry allergens.  Keep air vents cleaned out as much as possible to reduce dust.


Smoking around infants and toddlers creates second and third hand smoke which are all major causes of allergies and congestion in babies and children.  Avoid smoking around your infant or child, in your home, or in your car.  Change clothes after smoking before being near your child as well.  Nicotine and other cigarette chemicals attach to materials and give off toxins for long periods of time and can affect your child.

Bottle Feedings

One more cause of ear infections that I will mention in this article is in regards to bottle feeding while your child is in bed.  Ideally, breast feeding is best for infants up to at least 4 months old.  Breast milk is packed full of healthy nutrients and immune boosters.  It is through breast milk that infants receive their first line of protection against disease.  But when breast feeding is not an option, bottles are great. 

Keep in mind that when using a bottle to feed your infant, it is best not to lay them down with the bottle.  Milk and most other drinks not only increase the chances of tooth decay, but also flow into the ear canals causing fluid pooling and infections.  It is best to feed them while their head is elevated and then lay them down without the bottle.   If suckling is a comfort for them you may consider minimal use of a binky.

Unhealthy Diets

For toddlers, avoid snacks or drinks, aside from water, once the teeth are brushed and it is bed time.  Consider the snacks you give your child as well.  Choose healthy snacks like carrot sticks rather than sugary treats such as cookies.   Also, giving your child a healthy diet will give their bodies the ability to fight off bacteria before it turns into infections.  Keep sugary foods/drinks as exactly what they are – treats – given sparingly.  If they expect sugary food/drinks all the time, they are getting too much.  As much as the tongue may like sugar, the body truly doesn’t.


Although the above ideas may not completely eradicate ear infections, they will dramatically reduce them.  Hopefully you will find this article helpful.  Thanks for reading. 

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