Sunday, March 15, 2015

W Sitting Pros and Mostly Cons

Why Shouldn't My Child Sit Like That?

     Many children will go through moments of using a sitting position called W sitting and while it is only temporary and used for balance as they are developing trunk control, balance, crawling, and motor skills, it should still be carefully monitored by parents.
     W sitting is a position that is notable in that the inner knees rest flat on the floor while the lower legs extend to either side and behind them adding a stable base to sit while playing. If you were to look at the child from above, their legs would appear as a W.
     Most toddlers will use this position temporarily as they are learning to get around; and as long as the position is only used occasionally, when a child is concentrating on a toy for a minute perhaps, it is not a problem. However, it is not a healthy position for children to get in the habit of using. Usually children will discontinue a W sitting position on their own once they have strengthened their trunk and developed gross motor skills enough that they are comfortable moving (about 15-18 months old).
     One limitation from W sitting would be the ability to turn while sitting. The position is solid, making movement restricted. A child will pick up toys on the right with the right hand and on the left with the left hand. Although that may not seem like a problem, it has a greater impact than might be expected. Being able to reach across the mid-line greatly affects several other skills ranging from gross motor activities such as running to fine motor abilities like writing.
     A continued use of W sitting may prevent children from fully developing more mature abilities used in higher level skills. A lack of learning to cross the mid-line could greatly impact a child's abilities in his/her future including success in school and learning to drive.
     Continued use of the W sitting position may cause orthopedic problems as well. Often a child that persist in the use of this position will begin to develop knee and hip disorders. Especially if there is any predisposition to hip dysplasia, the W sitting position should be avoided.
     If your child is already prone to muscle tightness, the W position is discouraged as it will only aggravate muscle tightness.
     Children who are already known to have neurological or developmental problems should not use the W sitting position because it will only encourage abnormal movement patterns.
     To prevent over use of the W position, parents can help their child by holding their knees together until the child settles into a more appropriate sitting position. With the knees held together, their legs will not slide into the W position and they will fall back on their heels or shift to one side or the other.
     Parents may also remind their child to fix their legs or change positions. This will give the child practice in shifting their body weight and strengthening their upper body.
     For those children who are struggling with sitting, back support may be necessary until they gain more strength.
     If W sitting is too common, or your child has a lot of difficulty sitting without using that position, consider seeking a physical therapist or occupational therapist for more ideas. To find a PT or an OT you should be able to consult with your pediatrician. Also, your local early intervention center generally has an OT and/or PT on staff or they should be able to direct you to one.
     If you have concerns regarding your toddler who is doing a lot of W sitting and need help finding help, check out my Find A Location page for assistance in locating your nearest Early Intervention Center. 
     Thanks for reading and I hope this was helpful.  


  1. W- sitting postures of your kid can affect his/herbody

    Some sitting posture is not suggested for anybody, specially, W sitting posture affects kids health and parent should be concious about kids sitting style.
